My own3D stream

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Another update to the shenanigans mentioned below

repost from goon forum:

W33ds decided to infiltrate and take down a corp in AAA: the Dark Tribe. Now, W33ds may be a stoner on the scale that would have a Cypress Hill tutting disapprovingly and urging him to clean up his life, but he has an ability to socially engineer that puts him up there with the Blawrf Mactaggarts and the Bernie Maidoffs of this world.

W33ds laid the groundwork, inserted a character before his main to leave as a stay-behind (hilariously, AAA know that he is still in there, but don't know who it is), and then gradually worked his way up in the corp, amassing rights and roles and trust as he went. He also brought in his able assistant Leykab, knowing that one person would never be able to grab the contents of multiple corp hangars across empire and nullsec as well as not one but two wormholes. The Dark Tribe are basically Untermenschen in AAA: they are allowed to stay because they provide subsidised T3 hulls to the alliance, which in turn allows The Mackerel and Perseus "Architect of Max Damage II" Kallistratos to continue throwing away huge loki and tengu fleets.

By the end, the Dark Tribe's CEO, Mulasoldats, trusted W33ds implicitly. Mulasoldats knew W33ds was a scammer and he even suspected that he might even have a goonswarm alt but W33ds convinced him that his loyalties lay solidly with the corp. So he was made a full director. And when the time came for Mulasoldats to go away figure-skating for a week (I shit you not), the natural candidate to take over was his right-hand man, good ol' W33ds! W33ds even persuaded him to drop another 8 billion into the corp wallet, "just in case any bills came up."

The Takedown

Let me stress to you that the screenshots display only a fraction of what was stolen. Neither you nor I want to scroll through something like another 80-100 pages of screenshots, and it took me days to catch W33ds straight enough to get him to snap these ones.

If you look carefully at some of the hangar screenshots like this one of the vast majority of loot already safely jump-freightered to empire space - https://www.dropbox....13-33-00-89.PNG - you will see by the scroll bar that only about 6% or 7% of what was stolen is shown. W33ds and leykab had to split their winnings in one office between three characters, because you can only have 999 stacks of items in a single hangar. Look at the volume of goods in these hangars that are not shown: hundreds of thousands of m3 on each character in one hangar.

The haul is massive. They gave W33ds a nyx, for one thing, which isn't bad to begin with. Scores of T3 hulls, vast quantities of T3 subsystems, components and salvage to the value of tens of billions by themselves, dreads, carriers, a rorqual, a jump freighter, T2 hulls, tens of thousands of meta 4 and T2 modules, numerous faction towers, battleships and so on.

Oh, and although the combined CFC/HBC invasion meant that W33ds wasn't given a free titan as they had planned, he was given the components for one, awaiting build, so there's another hundred billion or so. Plus the set of component blueprints.

We don't know the total haul, mainly because it is so vast that nobody can be bothered to count it all: we thought it was just north of 100 billion at first but now we believe it is probably nearer 200 billion, of which something like 40bn is probably unrecoverable in the half year or so. Oh well.

Add to this the fact that W33ds was one of a number of agents that gave us round-the-clock coverage of AAA's fleet and supercap communications, meaning that we could happily use small supercap fleets with complete security in our Delve and Querious campaigns. Draw your own conclusions about the state of AAA's security from the fact that we could afford to burn a supercap pilot like W33ds.

Only a couple of seconds of lag saved another nyx from being blown up by DBRB's fleet, which moved down to take advantage of the havoc. AAA assembled a battleship-heavy fleet that should have murdered the Boatman's hastily-assembled grab-bag of aw0xers, especially since they were engaging on the undock of a friendly station, but we had half a dozen alts in the AAA fleet, so every time a hostile was primaried by Boat they would be booted from fleet and thus could not either broadcast for reps nor dock thanks to the session change. Sometimes, DBRB amazes me with his malign cunning. For a full write-up, read his AAR here.

A nice touch was W33ds changing the name of the station numerous times, not least to "You can't dock here this is Bat Country". The Dark Tribe have still not been allowed back into AAA almost a week later, and have booted all members recruited less than six months ago as a bonus outcome in their futile attempts to root out the stay-behind agent. Here is their sad tale of woe in graph and table form: http://evemaps.dotla...Tribe/alliances

The Score

Here is a sample of screenshots that W33ds took before passing out. As I say, you really didn't want to have to sit there while another 80+ pictures downloaded but this should give you the jist of it. <-look at that tiny scrollbar <-another character another 40 pages of assets stolen <-Prescient commentary but asking doesn't always work

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Update to Goon shenangans.

repost from goon forum:

Thursday 26th July, 8 bells in the morning watch, an operation to hunt Leviathan himself

As with all things truffle pig related, this has a rather short back story mixed with a long journey and the chance of blueballs.
One day a time back the GIA director and Senior Posting Official SIR ENDIE contacts me with a proposition.

Endie: Hey if I get you a nyx to kill between 9am and DT tomorrow - very high probability - will you be able to run a fleet or are you going to be asleep or at work or something?

With this to work with I spent the next few hours talking with leykab and setup a wonderful downtime op. This nyx would always rat between the hours of 08:00eve and 11:00eve EVERY NIGHT. In this case, our spy friends were going to go ratting with him in his nyx and proceed to bubble and aggress him while our big fleet sat 1 jump out ready to rumble. Endie posts one of the best op posts in history and the date is set for this morning at 0800eve.

That is the back story and now to the party. Op forms at 08:00eve with goons having no clue what is to come. 30 Truffle pests and 90 welpcanes form up on a gate and begin the long and rather quiet trek through highsec to the system of Keberz (29 jumps) awaiting further orders. Reports come in that our 130man gang is now spotted as we enter hed- and a defense fleet is formed. No worries though because we can see this and out of the 90 or so AAA online, they can only manage a fleet of 12. Once through highsec and our trip of 10 jumps through 0.0, we arrive and the logoff is ordered while I coordinate with the GIA dudes. At this point of the story only 3 people outside of the GIA know what is up, my locator agent and buddy innominate (capswarm director), myself and my dog. 2 hours later and some very hard work from our GIA guys, he logs in and the trap is set. At this point, the spies had set EVERYONE in my fleet blue to this corporation and he has no idea what is coming. But, sadly as the hictor landed on him at 0km with him aggressed, he jumps out and logs off in a rage of "OMGFG I TRUSTED YOU GUYS."

With the cover blown and the welp/blueballs coming it is now 30min till downtime. I start coming up with the best ways possible to get kills. The first being a navy mega and 2 t2 cruisers that come walking through the JB (we turned the guns off, set the jb blue to all of us, and were using it to jump back and forth and hide our fleet..... THANKS -A- FOR FUELING THEM!!!). Reports do not come in till seconds before downtime that the bridge is camped so our cover is still NOT NOTICED!

With downtime over, I ask one of our GIA to fool those who need to be fueled and in -A- alliance chat this message is sent. "Hello. I need some DPS support. Officer spawn found. Convo for details" The very first person to convo offers his MIGHTY RATTING ARCHON as dps. Since we are camping the JB and Cyno Beacon we convince this dude rather easy to just jump in and warp to the guy in fleet. He jumps in, dies seconds later. With the carrier dead, -A- alliance chat flies into a rage of OMG DIRECTOR SPY DONT LISTEN TO THAT CORP. Having blown our cover and the knowledge of our camp out, we then use another director level spy to scream "Nyx tackled, he just jumped to C3- beacon, HES DYING!" For the next 20 min our Awox backbone of 7 dudes go back and forth in -A- alliance chat PLEEDING for help. -A- finally grows a pair, sends out 2 alliance mails and orders all pilots to ignore the corp. and to wait for the BATPHONE OF MALU TO KICK THE CORP. (which doesn't happen till about 1600eve). It is now 1200eve, we have ruined this corp, gia has stole everything not nailed down and it's time to leave.

As we leave for our journey home, awoxers begin reporting of a fleet of 85 bs undocking in GE-8. Our awoxers join fleet, adding another 7 people to the mighty BS fleet coming my way. We finally catch up to them at GE-8 and jump into their home, their VFK, their NOL. Being a :smug: man, Cobra2k warps them at 0KM TO MYYYYY WELPFLEET. A plentiful rape and bubble train 100km long ensues seeing 20-30 rohks slaughtered like cattle, dying so fast I couldn't call targets. The reason we didn't die, half their alliance saw US BLUE! With the gate dead and looting done, I make the final choice to engage in mighty combat on the station (fuck flying 45 jumps home) and we do just that, station undock at 0km, fighting to the last man. All enemies die again faster then I call targets, so I just call ship types (oracles and such) and we wipe them clean in seconds. This bear in mind is with 6 triage carriers and 20 logi for them on the undock. But, why did they not tank just a few ships? Our awoxers were constantly joining squad command and kicking primaries as we called them OOOOOOPS (no docking for 20 seconds if not aggressed and no reps if calling for it). 

And finally we all died. The corporation was kicked while I slept and is now a broke, non sov holding corporation with its membership mostly kicked out by directors 


carrier -
Navy mega -
Navy geddon (awox) -
Orca (same guy as above)-
GE-8 fight of doom -

Goon infiltration shenanigans

Repost from Goon jabber:

For those who weren't on today's whaling op, you should take a look at this corp history:

The Dark Tribe are the AAA corp who supply subsidised Tengus and Lokis to their alliance.  They were therefore very rich indeed.  A GIA agent, Mr W33ds, helped by his able assistant Leykab, both of Bat Country, infiltrated them, worked his way to the top over a period of months, was made full director and was then left in charge this week.

W33ds (who is like Arghy but less lucid, but turns out to be an amazing social engineer) and Leykab stole what looks close to 100 billion ISK of corp wallet, ships, modules, t3 components, titan components and more.  They emptied wormhole POSes of capitals.  W33ds was given a super.  They invited a slew of awoxing alts and Dabigredboat led them around through AAA space killing something north of 100 ships.  The Dark Tribe have been booted from AAA, and since they allowed a known Goon scammer to take control they might have some explaining to do.

Update to follow once screenshots post on goons forum :3

Mineral prices speculation.

With the upcoming buffs to mining barges - mineral prices are going to drop substantially.
The knock on effect of this is everything in eve (that uses minerals) is going to be cheaper, especially  caps supers and titans.

If you are about to buy a big ship, wait a few months. Also another knock on will mean that PvP will be cheaper - especially with alchemy coming up soon for t2 modules.

Winter is going to be a time of lots of things exploding because cheaper stuff means less risk aversion!

Fuel will also be cheaper due to more ice and the inability to gank ice miners. 

One look at jita prices shows prices are already dropping due to people cashing out before the drop. Trit down from 7.2 to 6.2 in the space of a week.

Black Legion ♥ Nulli followup

We took back all the tech we lost last night. For some reason the BL/Nulli fleet warped into our pos - allowing vee to change password and eject everyone at which point we just tackled and raped them.

After about half of them escaped, they bubbled their own fleet to protect from bombers. We warped in and killed the rest of them.

We had an Alphafleet and a Drakefleet. They had a Nagafleet.

XLegionXXofXXXXXXDeathXXXXXXXX   turned up XXXX  with a small ahac fleet after everyone was dead and was like hay dudes can we get some mails.

They have been guarding our tech while we was down south :3  props bros!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Ancillary Shield Boosters

I dismissed these mods at first but after theorycrafting, I have been turned around. Once thought of as a gimmick, they are the mainstay for my small gang fits now.

Merlin fits 3 neutron blasters, medium ASB and invuln. Great resists, brutal DPS (for a frig, 250-280)

Ferox fits XL ASB and a full rack of neutrons. Cyclone is a better choice though as it has longer range and varying damage but slightly less DPS.

Currently experimenting with Tier3 brawling XLASB monsters.

Fighting in highsec introduced me to the dual XLASB maelstrom, able to tank long enough to disengage before hitting reload if things turn nasty.

The major downside of these mods is you dont have the buffer to survive long enough between reloads sometimes. You can't take them into fleet fights or even medium scale engagements as you can get volleyed easily. Some people say they are borderline OP. I disagree, their downsides (fitting reqs, reload) more than balance out their upsides.

Black Legion ♥ Nulli Secunda!

So over the last few days, Black Legion and Nulli Secunda have started hitting our techmoons in venal, and even killed a drakefleet!

Two decent alliances harassing our holdings. While our supers are being pinned down in delve by -A-.

If this is all intentional, great play by SoCo (if the term SoCo is even still relevant, Black Legion arent southern!)

3 Tengufleet ops throughout wednesday with 3 techmoons to save! Should be a good days PvP. Not sure if i'll be able to stream the fights, even with a massive delay, if I can, BONUS!

If not, expect it to be up on youtube by tonight.

Good fights ahoy!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Soul Cartel disbands I take a long break.

We had a few more months of larger scale gangs mostly against Ares and Huzzah Federation.  Fights were mostly Drakefleet (not perma mwd, tank style) with Falcons, Lachesises and Scimi support. Still a valid fleet comp today (with huggins and drakes fit perma mwd)
We tried forming a larger coalition but got super blobbed out by Ares and ICE combined fleets. Ice later joined goonswarm and Ares went down south, but we couldnt deal with being camped in station all day by capitals. We had 1 large engagement off a pos, we tried Rote again for temp blues but they knew something we didnt.

We later tried bombing the large Ares/Ice capfleet and out of nowhere RnK hotdropped them with a few titans, bhaalgorns and triage carriers. Okay things are getting too heavy for us now! We moved to the Suba pocket to try and reform but I didnt want an empire. Eve was turning into a job.

We took the core pvpers and split. Half of us formed our own Pirate corp Brownie Bakery [Tasty] and based out of a lowsec system called Tasti. The other half followed retard corp leader Filfius into Domination who had their hearts set on sov.

We went on to have great fun ganking in lowsec and having small gang, they joined a querious alliance and got rolled within a week, lost half their members. Then they joined En Garde and have to deal with the embarassment of flying with -A-. Haha faggots.

I took a break from Eve when my eve-bro Ishika quit eve. I even joined Rote Kapelle but they were a bit serious business for me so when former eve-bro from Soul Cartel Berneh offered me a place with FEAR-
Just after the battles of cloud ring and Fade, i knew I wanted to be there. This takes us to the present day of flying under the CFC banner.

I get my own alliance

After leaving Providence, the now pretty strong Clockwork Oranges decided to join Soul Cartel. Low sec pirates, wardeccers and nullsec roamers. Small gang pvp and fun. Sign us up! We had a few months of great roams and highsec terrorism. We beat orphange when they decced us.
Suddenly,  a lot of corps leave for faction warfare. Soul Cartel is gutted. Again its just Clockwork on our lonesome. Darqnite, our leader is about to deploy to Iraq so it needs a leader. We reform Clockwork into Sleepless Vanguard and take up the reigns of a proper alliance.

We move into Syndicate and take D85 - KFR as our home. We recruit local corps and unite to beat back the Russians a few jumps away.  Now we have about 100 active dudes in alliance every night hungry for killing with me as their glorious leader and main fc. Most people are 07 08 and 09 characters and I'm a 8 month old newb telling people what to do and commanding 60 man roams. Not because I'm any good at the game, but because we have semi-vet players going through their apathetic phase in Eve and dont want command responsibility. We roam syndicate and aridia and again have great fights. Mostly fighting Rote Kapelle who lived 6 jumps away and Ares Protectiva who lived on the west side (dotlan) of synd at the entrance to outer ring. The local corps RETS and Talon Company joined us for protection against the evil Russians of KLYN. I can't even begin to pronounce their name.

Now, we had a POS mining moons and researching. The russians had been bullying the local corps as they were the only corp gay enough to drop triage carriers on scrub gangs (rooks n kings lived nearby but only dropped tasty stuff - not us haha) They sieged our POS with dreads and carriers. I contacted the Rote Kapelle diplo for temp blues for a secret bropact. We agreed blues up for 2 hours then reset. Sure enough, when the tower came out of reinforced - the russians came in and went into siege. In the timezone of russia, everyone was asleep - me and Nijofley decided to stay up to oversee the operation. I sat in my scorpion in the pos.

Suddenly a Rote Kapelle cyno. Suddenly a proper doctrined battleship fleet with bonuses and dictors. Suddenly theres no more Russian capfleet and a large wreck field. Rote Kapelle went home, they got their rare as shit capital killmails (rare in syndicate)  and capfleet loot. We got on the mails too and saved our tower. As soon as Rote Kapelle were home safe, we reset each other and went back to killing each other.

I loved Rote Kapelle back in the day. They were always good for a fight, never blobbed always fair engagements. Blobbing is valid in sov warfare, but in NPC nullsec lolfights and lowsec, its pretty faggy.

We learned the power of fleetcomps and gang bonuses from them. My own personal skill improved from fighting them and as an alliance we got better. We also got bigger and moved further up into the EF-F outer ring pocket.

Providence 2010 and -A- is shit.

None of us had been to nullsec before. What were we in for??    After dicking about in kheram for a bit we started going on the ops during the invasion proper. For someone who had only seen under 10 man gangs fighting, mostly around 5, sov warfare was a whole new ballgame.

As part of the subcap fleet roaming and patrolling looking for evaccing CVA, we passed by many a Atlas and -A- capfleet station flipping. Seeing huge ships and huge swarms of brackets (lol overview - I was still a noob remember, 3 months into the game) I was like "wow this is epic" Even though the game lagged with loads of brackets and it was still ugly as sin back then, It still looked ace. Chaos Theory was given our own pocket right next to the fucking entrance to providence, next to CVA's staging system. The weakest alliance in the coalition at the mercy of CVA and Hydra reloaded. In fairness, CVA didnt really bother us and we had some decent small gang fights. It was during this time, Clockwork Oranges took in some ex- IT alliance bittervets Reidid and Ishika. I still talk to these guys some 2 years later and are integral later in this epic saga.

My first major sov battle took place on a Paxton pos. Paxton and CVA brought some 600 dudes in mixed battleship and hodgepodge logistics and ewar and we had roughly the same. No doctrines, no logi anchors or logi channels, No broadcasts. Just 2 kitchen sink battleship fleets duking it out.
Paxton and CVA lost the first engagement and reshipped and did the exact same thing again. This was fucking awesome. We had two massive brawls in the space of two hours. I reshipped my blackbirds after dying about 6 times - even resorting to my ratting drakes and railgun fit feroxes!

As it turned out, this was their last ditch attempt to make a claim on the region before giving up. We roamed but couldnt get anything and quickly got bored with carebearing all day. This didnt matter too much as -A- decided well, lets just reset all the weaker alliances now the objectives are complete and farm them for kills. If the stronger corps disagree with this we'll threaten them with a reset. My first introduction to the world of ~Elite PvP~   What a set of total faggots. Since none of Chaos Theory had the balls to ever fight -A- blobbing us all the time and Clockwork were the only dudes fighting. FUCK THIS we thought and got out of dodge.

Clockwork Oranges era and piracy

So I signed up and I am PvPing. Our solid group of Porch Monkeys were the core of our pvp in alliance. Nobody else is willing to risk ships - and all we do is pay taxes. No more! We threaten to leave the alliance.
Commadore West tries to buy us to stay in the alliance, since we are the only dudes protecting his haulers leaving the pocket, and keeping the nasty KaKaKarr at bay. He buys each of us a Strategic Cruiser plus fit and buys me a scorpion as I can't fly them yet. As soon as they are contracted we leave the alliance and insult him profusely. Hilarious. He raged on ventrilo then logged off and stopped playing for like 6 months. What a knob.

Now I keep saying "we". Our group of porch monkeys consist of a group of guys who know each other in real life and play Eve at each other's houses sometimes. Kenji, Danny, Wog, Gingersteve, Hrothgar, Baz, Fubar and Gideon. Our loyal band of Porch Monkeys. We decided to just be pirates and started recruiting. The first recruit was a muslim guy called "Dark Eve1"  this guy was a total choad. He would use corp ships and not put them back, or take them out of the hangar, take all the ammo and offline mods or take mods and then put them back in. He would also try and preach to us about how we are all wrong for being atheists and how we should accept islam.

We took him out to a random belt and killed him. He petitioned CCP about our corp name and said we were all racists and victimised him because he was a muslim. CCP made us change our name and so Clockwork Oranges was born. After a month or so of killing haulers and ratting drakes in low sec, we wanted something more. Something bigger. We saw Chaos Theory alliance holding a recruiting drive for the upcoming invasion of Providence by Ushra Khan, -A- and Atlas.

We had swelled our corp ranks by this time too - so they accepted us. We jumped into the fray!

How I started in Eve Online

Finally a blog for literally the best pvper in Eve. Also every game on the internet. Even games not even released yet. 

I'll be covering a bunch of games - mostly Eve Online: A terrible game, but also Mechwarrior Online, Planetside 2, Battlefield 3 and DayZ. Also other games the take my interest. but mostly Eve.

So Eve online.

I started in January 2010 - I didnt know anything about the game other than the fact it was spaceships. I did the trial and started flying about. Now - I dont know if you remember the old tutorial, but it was basically "Mine, Do courier missions and do highsec missions. You will die in lowsec." At the time I was like okay, it'll get better later on so I did the tutorial. I joined a random highsec carebear corp who were for some reason accepting trials. CCP later learned from their horrible tutorial system and made it better, and are improving it further next expansion, but that is for another article.

We got wardecced. I didnt know what I was doing and neither did anybody else in corp, even 3 year old vets. We dicked about in shitfit drakes, I had a tackling condor, and eventually ordered to never undock.
I wanted to kill these faggots, but nobody would help me. I left the corp and joined a lowsec alliance. Conspiracy theorists.

This alliance was led by Commodore West. He was openly gay and said he made his real life living as a rent boy (male prostitute only servicing men) He made his ISK by offering to form alliances and organise corps and then taking all their assets - he made a decent amount of isk for very little effort. Fair enough!

I met a group of dudes who I stuck by for the last 2 and a half years - it was their corp I joined. Porch Monkeys. We claimed a lowsec pocket in Amarr space and set up some poses. We ratted, did mag sites and ventured into wormholes. I met my first nemesis here - Kakakarr and his legion of alts. He terrorised us and it was great fun. I also learned to PvP, helping my comrades out in a blackbird. I learned the force multiplier of ECM and the dynamics of support and aggression mechanics. I enjoyed PvP so much that I decided that Eve was the game for me. I signed up and knew I was in it for the long haul....