My own3D stream

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

I get my own alliance

After leaving Providence, the now pretty strong Clockwork Oranges decided to join Soul Cartel. Low sec pirates, wardeccers and nullsec roamers. Small gang pvp and fun. Sign us up! We had a few months of great roams and highsec terrorism. We beat orphange when they decced us.
Suddenly,  a lot of corps leave for faction warfare. Soul Cartel is gutted. Again its just Clockwork on our lonesome. Darqnite, our leader is about to deploy to Iraq so it needs a leader. We reform Clockwork into Sleepless Vanguard and take up the reigns of a proper alliance.

We move into Syndicate and take D85 - KFR as our home. We recruit local corps and unite to beat back the Russians a few jumps away.  Now we have about 100 active dudes in alliance every night hungry for killing with me as their glorious leader and main fc. Most people are 07 08 and 09 characters and I'm a 8 month old newb telling people what to do and commanding 60 man roams. Not because I'm any good at the game, but because we have semi-vet players going through their apathetic phase in Eve and dont want command responsibility. We roam syndicate and aridia and again have great fights. Mostly fighting Rote Kapelle who lived 6 jumps away and Ares Protectiva who lived on the west side (dotlan) of synd at the entrance to outer ring. The local corps RETS and Talon Company joined us for protection against the evil Russians of KLYN. I can't even begin to pronounce their name.

Now, we had a POS mining moons and researching. The russians had been bullying the local corps as they were the only corp gay enough to drop triage carriers on scrub gangs (rooks n kings lived nearby but only dropped tasty stuff - not us haha) They sieged our POS with dreads and carriers. I contacted the Rote Kapelle diplo for temp blues for a secret bropact. We agreed blues up for 2 hours then reset. Sure enough, when the tower came out of reinforced - the russians came in and went into siege. In the timezone of russia, everyone was asleep - me and Nijofley decided to stay up to oversee the operation. I sat in my scorpion in the pos.

Suddenly a Rote Kapelle cyno. Suddenly a proper doctrined battleship fleet with bonuses and dictors. Suddenly theres no more Russian capfleet and a large wreck field. Rote Kapelle went home, they got their rare as shit capital killmails (rare in syndicate)  and capfleet loot. We got on the mails too and saved our tower. As soon as Rote Kapelle were home safe, we reset each other and went back to killing each other.

I loved Rote Kapelle back in the day. They were always good for a fight, never blobbed always fair engagements. Blobbing is valid in sov warfare, but in NPC nullsec lolfights and lowsec, its pretty faggy.

We learned the power of fleetcomps and gang bonuses from them. My own personal skill improved from fighting them and as an alliance we got better. We also got bigger and moved further up into the EF-F outer ring pocket.

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