My own3D stream

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Soul Cartel disbands I take a long break.

We had a few more months of larger scale gangs mostly against Ares and Huzzah Federation.  Fights were mostly Drakefleet (not perma mwd, tank style) with Falcons, Lachesises and Scimi support. Still a valid fleet comp today (with huggins and drakes fit perma mwd)
We tried forming a larger coalition but got super blobbed out by Ares and ICE combined fleets. Ice later joined goonswarm and Ares went down south, but we couldnt deal with being camped in station all day by capitals. We had 1 large engagement off a pos, we tried Rote again for temp blues but they knew something we didnt.

We later tried bombing the large Ares/Ice capfleet and out of nowhere RnK hotdropped them with a few titans, bhaalgorns and triage carriers. Okay things are getting too heavy for us now! We moved to the Suba pocket to try and reform but I didnt want an empire. Eve was turning into a job.

We took the core pvpers and split. Half of us formed our own Pirate corp Brownie Bakery [Tasty] and based out of a lowsec system called Tasti. The other half followed retard corp leader Filfius into Domination who had their hearts set on sov.

We went on to have great fun ganking in lowsec and having small gang, they joined a querious alliance and got rolled within a week, lost half their members. Then they joined En Garde and have to deal with the embarassment of flying with -A-. Haha faggots.

I took a break from Eve when my eve-bro Ishika quit eve. I even joined Rote Kapelle but they were a bit serious business for me so when former eve-bro from Soul Cartel Berneh offered me a place with FEAR-
Just after the battles of cloud ring and Fade, i knew I wanted to be there. This takes us to the present day of flying under the CFC banner.

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