My own3D stream

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Update to Goon shenangans.

repost from goon forum:

Thursday 26th July, 8 bells in the morning watch, an operation to hunt Leviathan himself

As with all things truffle pig related, this has a rather short back story mixed with a long journey and the chance of blueballs.
One day a time back the GIA director and Senior Posting Official SIR ENDIE contacts me with a proposition.

Endie: Hey if I get you a nyx to kill between 9am and DT tomorrow - very high probability - will you be able to run a fleet or are you going to be asleep or at work or something?

With this to work with I spent the next few hours talking with leykab and setup a wonderful downtime op. This nyx would always rat between the hours of 08:00eve and 11:00eve EVERY NIGHT. In this case, our spy friends were going to go ratting with him in his nyx and proceed to bubble and aggress him while our big fleet sat 1 jump out ready to rumble. Endie posts one of the best op posts in history and the date is set for this morning at 0800eve.

That is the back story and now to the party. Op forms at 08:00eve with goons having no clue what is to come. 30 Truffle pests and 90 welpcanes form up on a gate and begin the long and rather quiet trek through highsec to the system of Keberz (29 jumps) awaiting further orders. Reports come in that our 130man gang is now spotted as we enter hed- and a defense fleet is formed. No worries though because we can see this and out of the 90 or so AAA online, they can only manage a fleet of 12. Once through highsec and our trip of 10 jumps through 0.0, we arrive and the logoff is ordered while I coordinate with the GIA dudes. At this point of the story only 3 people outside of the GIA know what is up, my locator agent and buddy innominate (capswarm director), myself and my dog. 2 hours later and some very hard work from our GIA guys, he logs in and the trap is set. At this point, the spies had set EVERYONE in my fleet blue to this corporation and he has no idea what is coming. But, sadly as the hictor landed on him at 0km with him aggressed, he jumps out and logs off in a rage of "OMGFG I TRUSTED YOU GUYS."

With the cover blown and the welp/blueballs coming it is now 30min till downtime. I start coming up with the best ways possible to get kills. The first being a navy mega and 2 t2 cruisers that come walking through the JB (we turned the guns off, set the jb blue to all of us, and were using it to jump back and forth and hide our fleet..... THANKS -A- FOR FUELING THEM!!!). Reports do not come in till seconds before downtime that the bridge is camped so our cover is still NOT NOTICED!

With downtime over, I ask one of our GIA to fool those who need to be fueled and in -A- alliance chat this message is sent. "Hello. I need some DPS support. Officer spawn found. Convo for details" The very first person to convo offers his MIGHTY RATTING ARCHON as dps. Since we are camping the JB and Cyno Beacon we convince this dude rather easy to just jump in and warp to the guy in fleet. He jumps in, dies seconds later. With the carrier dead, -A- alliance chat flies into a rage of OMG DIRECTOR SPY DONT LISTEN TO THAT CORP. Having blown our cover and the knowledge of our camp out, we then use another director level spy to scream "Nyx tackled, he just jumped to C3- beacon, HES DYING!" For the next 20 min our Awox backbone of 7 dudes go back and forth in -A- alliance chat PLEEDING for help. -A- finally grows a pair, sends out 2 alliance mails and orders all pilots to ignore the corp. and to wait for the BATPHONE OF MALU TO KICK THE CORP. (which doesn't happen till about 1600eve). It is now 1200eve, we have ruined this corp, gia has stole everything not nailed down and it's time to leave.

As we leave for our journey home, awoxers begin reporting of a fleet of 85 bs undocking in GE-8. Our awoxers join fleet, adding another 7 people to the mighty BS fleet coming my way. We finally catch up to them at GE-8 and jump into their home, their VFK, their NOL. Being a :smug: man, Cobra2k warps them at 0KM TO MYYYYY WELPFLEET. A plentiful rape and bubble train 100km long ensues seeing 20-30 rohks slaughtered like cattle, dying so fast I couldn't call targets. The reason we didn't die, half their alliance saw US BLUE! With the gate dead and looting done, I make the final choice to engage in mighty combat on the station (fuck flying 45 jumps home) and we do just that, station undock at 0km, fighting to the last man. All enemies die again faster then I call targets, so I just call ship types (oracles and such) and we wipe them clean in seconds. This bear in mind is with 6 triage carriers and 20 logi for them on the undock. But, why did they not tank just a few ships? Our awoxers were constantly joining squad command and kicking primaries as we called them OOOOOOPS (no docking for 20 seconds if not aggressed and no reps if calling for it). 

And finally we all died. The corporation was kicked while I slept and is now a broke, non sov holding corporation with its membership mostly kicked out by directors 


carrier -
Navy mega -
Navy geddon (awox) -
Orca (same guy as above)-
GE-8 fight of doom -

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