My own3D stream

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Another update to the shenanigans mentioned below

repost from goon forum:

W33ds decided to infiltrate and take down a corp in AAA: the Dark Tribe. Now, W33ds may be a stoner on the scale that would have a Cypress Hill tutting disapprovingly and urging him to clean up his life, but he has an ability to socially engineer that puts him up there with the Blawrf Mactaggarts and the Bernie Maidoffs of this world.

W33ds laid the groundwork, inserted a character before his main to leave as a stay-behind (hilariously, AAA know that he is still in there, but don't know who it is), and then gradually worked his way up in the corp, amassing rights and roles and trust as he went. He also brought in his able assistant Leykab, knowing that one person would never be able to grab the contents of multiple corp hangars across empire and nullsec as well as not one but two wormholes. The Dark Tribe are basically Untermenschen in AAA: they are allowed to stay because they provide subsidised T3 hulls to the alliance, which in turn allows The Mackerel and Perseus "Architect of Max Damage II" Kallistratos to continue throwing away huge loki and tengu fleets.

By the end, the Dark Tribe's CEO, Mulasoldats, trusted W33ds implicitly. Mulasoldats knew W33ds was a scammer and he even suspected that he might even have a goonswarm alt but W33ds convinced him that his loyalties lay solidly with the corp. So he was made a full director. And when the time came for Mulasoldats to go away figure-skating for a week (I shit you not), the natural candidate to take over was his right-hand man, good ol' W33ds! W33ds even persuaded him to drop another 8 billion into the corp wallet, "just in case any bills came up."

The Takedown

Let me stress to you that the screenshots display only a fraction of what was stolen. Neither you nor I want to scroll through something like another 80-100 pages of screenshots, and it took me days to catch W33ds straight enough to get him to snap these ones.

If you look carefully at some of the hangar screenshots like this one of the vast majority of loot already safely jump-freightered to empire space - https://www.dropbox....13-33-00-89.PNG - you will see by the scroll bar that only about 6% or 7% of what was stolen is shown. W33ds and leykab had to split their winnings in one office between three characters, because you can only have 999 stacks of items in a single hangar. Look at the volume of goods in these hangars that are not shown: hundreds of thousands of m3 on each character in one hangar.

The haul is massive. They gave W33ds a nyx, for one thing, which isn't bad to begin with. Scores of T3 hulls, vast quantities of T3 subsystems, components and salvage to the value of tens of billions by themselves, dreads, carriers, a rorqual, a jump freighter, T2 hulls, tens of thousands of meta 4 and T2 modules, numerous faction towers, battleships and so on.

Oh, and although the combined CFC/HBC invasion meant that W33ds wasn't given a free titan as they had planned, he was given the components for one, awaiting build, so there's another hundred billion or so. Plus the set of component blueprints.

We don't know the total haul, mainly because it is so vast that nobody can be bothered to count it all: we thought it was just north of 100 billion at first but now we believe it is probably nearer 200 billion, of which something like 40bn is probably unrecoverable in the half year or so. Oh well.

Add to this the fact that W33ds was one of a number of agents that gave us round-the-clock coverage of AAA's fleet and supercap communications, meaning that we could happily use small supercap fleets with complete security in our Delve and Querious campaigns. Draw your own conclusions about the state of AAA's security from the fact that we could afford to burn a supercap pilot like W33ds.

Only a couple of seconds of lag saved another nyx from being blown up by DBRB's fleet, which moved down to take advantage of the havoc. AAA assembled a battleship-heavy fleet that should have murdered the Boatman's hastily-assembled grab-bag of aw0xers, especially since they were engaging on the undock of a friendly station, but we had half a dozen alts in the AAA fleet, so every time a hostile was primaried by Boat they would be booted from fleet and thus could not either broadcast for reps nor dock thanks to the session change. Sometimes, DBRB amazes me with his malign cunning. For a full write-up, read his AAR here.

A nice touch was W33ds changing the name of the station numerous times, not least to "You can't dock here this is Bat Country". The Dark Tribe have still not been allowed back into AAA almost a week later, and have booted all members recruited less than six months ago as a bonus outcome in their futile attempts to root out the stay-behind agent. Here is their sad tale of woe in graph and table form: http://evemaps.dotla...Tribe/alliances

The Score

Here is a sample of screenshots that W33ds took before passing out. As I say, you really didn't want to have to sit there while another 80+ pictures downloaded but this should give you the jist of it. <-look at that tiny scrollbar <-another character another 40 pages of assets stolen <-Prescient commentary but asking doesn't always work

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